Thursday, January 15, 2009

Too busy to breathe

I never do blogs. But since I miss my SL family so much, I figured this is the best way for them to keep up with me while I do my RL crazy crap.

So, This weekend will be my first free weekend in a long time and I intend on logging on and hanging with my brothers and friends and reconnecting. I've been commuting for almost 2 hours everyday in LA rush hour traffic. Working a full day and commuting home again. That's between 12 and 16 hours of my day. It doesn't give me much time to enjoy anything at home. It's all been work work work. But soon, I will be free again. My job ends on Jan 25th. So, then I will be excited to have time to spend again with my loved ones on SL.

Not to mention, I'm broke and need to dance to pay my rent! So, a few dancing gigs wouldn't hurt either.

Drop me some comments and tell me what you've been up to and all the dirty SL gossip.

Miss you all. See you this weekend!